Using UE Systems Equipment for Precise Ultrasonic Watertight Testing of Ship Hatches

ABS-Approved Ultrasonic Watertight Testing Services
Campana Marine Service, Inc. is the only company in the US approved by the ABS as a service provider using UE Systems equipment for Ultrasonic Watertight testing of ship hatch covers, doors and side ports. Using the UE 9000 ultrasonic equipment, we can locate within 1 mm any leak in any watertight appliance. This can be done either loaded or empty for cargo holds, night or day.
Campana Marine Service, Inc. AND FEDERAL MARINE BUREAU
We are Independent Marine/Cargo Surveyors servicing the Gulf Coast. Our main offices are in Covington, LA, and Houston, Texas. Both offices are supervised by Licensed marine captains who are graduates of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY.
Captain Campana is the leader of the companies and is a 1971 graduate of the USMMA with a BS in Marine Transportation. He is also ISM maritime Auditor and NCB Grain Stability qualified.
Captain Harcourt is a 1980 graduate of the USMMA with a BS in Marine Transportation. He is also ISM maritime Auditor.
Campana Marine Service is the only company in the USA that is recognized by the ABS for Watertight testing using UE Systems ultrasonic technology as a Service Provider to the ABS.
Captain Campana has a copyrighted river barge draft survey program, which became the basis for The Fertilizer Institute’s TFI barge program. It has been determined by The Fertilizer institute to be the most accurate barge survey program to draft river hopper barges, and all fertilizer barge surveys must use either the TFI format or Captain Campana’s TPI format.
Joining Captain Campana are his two sons, Ron II and Chris. All are on the job trained by Captain Campana, with Chris having sixteen (16) years of experience and Ron II having sixteen (16) years of experience. Captain Campana and Captain Harcourt have trained them in vessel draft surveys, bunker surveys, on/off hire surveys, cargo surveys, and damage surveys, and Ron II And Chris are certified as Ultrasonic Watertight testing by UE Systems, the manufacturer of the Ultrasonic equipment the company owns. The company utilizes the latest technology with the two (2) UE 9000 ultrasonic guns. Ron II and Chris each have Lloyds Maritime Draught Survey Certificates.